Everyone that purchases a Footballguys subscription has 30 days to request a refund.
We want everyone to be happy with their Footballguys Subscription.
So we put our money where our mouth is.
Everyone who purchases a Footballguys subscription has 30 days from the date of purchase to request their money back if they're not satisfied. If you're not happy, let us know, and we will refund your money and cancel your subscription. No questions asked. Period.
We don't want you to pay for anything you're not satisfied with. And a super long trial period is the best way we know to do that.
If you do decide you'd like a refund, head to this link: Contact Support
Fill out the form, and let us know if you'd like a refund. If you meet the conditions above, we'll process it right away.
Hop on board, buckle up, and let's crush this season.