How to cancel your Auto-Renewing subscription
Subscriptions can be purchased in three ways:
1. From Apple
2. From Google
3. From the Footballguys website
If you purchased a subscription through the Apple iOS Mobile App, Apple controls this completely and you can cancel with Apple by following these instructions: Cancel Apple Subscription
If you purchased a subscription through the Google Android Mobile App, Google controls this completely and you can cancel with Google by following these instructions: Cancel Google Subscription
If you purchased a subscription through the Footballguys Website, please follow these instructions:
- Log in to (You MUST be logged in to cancel)
- Click your username at the top navigation bar.
- Select Plans and Payments. Or go here Your Plans & Payments
- Click "Cancel This Plan" and you will be able to use your subscription for the full year if you purchased an annual subscription, or the full month if you purchased a monthly subscription, and your subscription will not Auto-Renew.